Imagine growing your Monstera in water with beautiful clear vase. It will become a unique centrepiece for your home. But, can Monstera grow in water?
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Monstera has broad leaves that are prone to collecting dust. Routine cleaning help to keep it happy and healthy.
Monsteras are beautiful plants already, and variegated specimens even more so. Unfortunately, they tend to be rare and expensive. But why?
You know your Monstera probably needs fertilizer, but how much do you use? What kind do you get? Here are the answers to your questions!
There are so many different kinds of pots, how do you know which one to pick for your Monstera? Monstera needs a pot with good drainage that will allow the soil to drain freely. The material you...
Does your Monstera looks dying? It's possible, though unlikely, caused by root rot. Check out the signs and ways to save it